00:11:42 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: https://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Mini-CNC-Laser-Engraver/ 00:14:13 Zoe: Edu can we buy these things from another place than Amazon? 00:14:57 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: usually all the local electronic shops sell this kind of components 00:15:16 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: why not amazon? it doesn't ship to your locatlion 00:15:59 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: I will repeat again- please switch ON YOUR WEBCAM 00:16:17 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: this is VIDEOCONFERENCE no a phone call 00:16:36 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: it is really annoying to give a class just seing black screens 00:16:37 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos 00:17:00 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHFNP9EAtbghMo5SQgahCiQ/videos 00:17:10 LynnDika: I really don’t have a camera, sorry Eduard. 00:17:30 Roger: same, i'm on the desktop 00:18:47 antoine jaunard: hello everybody, my webcam isn't working as well :( 00:30:50 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: https://platformio.org/ 00:31:47 Pablo Zuloaga Betancourt: AH ok…perf…I was in this one https://platform.io/ (wrong one) 00:31:48 David: Be easy on us! xD 00:34:33 Hala Alzawaydeh: are we recording? 00:34:47 natalia: yes 00:35:00 natalia: I mean, recording is blinking on left corner 00:35:03 Hala Alzawaydeh: please share after class 00:35:05 Hala Alzawaydeh: awesome 00:35:38 laurafreixasconde: Could we have this presentation? 00:43:51 Tue: http://fabacademy.org/2020/labs/barcelona/local/#material/week04/ 00:43:55 Tue: I think it's here 00:44:26 Tue: How To Make A Computer (Guillem) 00:44:28 laurafreixasconde: yes, thank you:) 00:45:09 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: we are recording 00:45:13 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: don’t worry 00:57:48 arman: https://www.computerhistory.org/babbage/ 01:03:33 FABACADEMY_BCN ZOOM: http://academany.fabcloud.io/fabacademy/2020/labs/barcelona/site/local/#material/week08/#references-and-resources 01:16:33 arman: http://www.asciitable.com/ 01:17:39 benjaminscott: http://sticksandstones.kstrom.com/appen.html 01:18:12 benjaminscott: ^ alphabet in binary 01:25:06 arman: https://www.computerhistory.org/revolution/digital-logic/12/288/2220 01:25:52 arman: https://youtu.be/d9SWNLZvA8g 01:26:14 arman: From sand to IC 01:33:03 Jonathan Minchin: Taiwan is the worlds Largest exporter of MicroChips 01:40:08 Daniil Koshelyuk: I don't see a board 01:40:21 Anisa: same 01:52:38 arman: https://youtu.be/kRlSFm519Bo 01:58:47 Daniil Koshelyuk: sorry guys I need to take a call we'll join right after 02:37:21 emaitee: Does anyone have references/tutorials to understand the arduino chart we talked about? 02:44:25 Pablo Zuloaga Betancourt: which chart Mit? 02:44:38 emaitee: Compiling 02:48:26 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: this is the link of all components we have in the lab 02:48:26 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: https://docs.google.com/a/iaac.net/spreadsheets/d/1U-jcBWOJEjBT5A0N84IUubtcHKMEMtndQPLCkZCkVsU/pub?single=true&gid=0&output=html 02:48:33 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: the fab lab inventory 02:48:46 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: for searching the links of the datasheet of each component 02:51:22 Eduardo Chamorro Martin: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sFTE5KQ79W1_I_wtV3kmd_NE7NsWmIP_n8XURuQYVAE/edit#gid=1779571110 02:53:12 guillem: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/ATtiny1614-data-sheet-40001995A.pdf 02:53:42 Andrea Bertran: 623 pages…………………………………. 03:02:07 Daniil Koshelyuk: why 64 if there are 8 pins? 03:02:32 Daniil Koshelyuk: or 16* 03:04:09 David: I/O registers can be more complex tan 1/0. I guess ^^U 03:05:51 LynnDika: what time is the class tomorrow? 03:06:12 antoine jaunard: 4kb*16 ? 03:08:41 guillem: Just in case we haven't share it yet. Here the presentation I used today https://speakerdeck.com/pral2a/how-to-make-a-computer 03:08:54 guillem: It will be compiled with the current documentation after 03:09:47 laurafreixasconde: thank you very much! 03:09:52 Daniil Koshelyuk: Thank you!!